Shantal Washington

Oct 28, 20191 min

Sad Words

I may seem like the happiest person you know

Goofy and full of life but deep down I am fighting so many things mental

I’m exhausted

I’m over it

I wish I could disappear

forget everything

Start anew

My chest is heavy with pain

Pressing against my rib cage

Barley breathing

Walking in a shadow of a dark cloud

People say they want to help

But do nothing but tear me down even further

I wish I could forget all the pain and trauma

But it’s imbedded in my like a tattoo

I’ve experienced pain so many times it’s hard for me to shed a tear for it now because Ik it’s more right around the corner

A River of black water flowing into my sea of hurt destroying life within these waters

Waiting for the moment I truly die inside

Tears fill my eyes but never flow

Scared of emotions

Abused and miss used

Unfortunate soul

Wondering alone

In this hurtful thing called life
